Wholesome Wave was built to solve nutrition insecurity

Access to nutritious food is a fundamental human right!

We know that without adequate nutrition — people can be fed and still be starving. It's not just about providing enough food but the right food!

Wholesome Wave is committed to a day when everyone has access to nutritious fruits and vegetables!

With your support, we can provide affordable access to fresh, nutritious food for those suffering from nutrition insecurity and continue our work toward more equitable food and health systems!


The FED Principle



We are committed to meeting communities where they are by working directly with them to build solutions in line with their beliefs, customs, and cultural preferences.

Programs should serve communities and not the other way around.



We work tirelessly to ensure that our efforts increase access to nutritious foods for our most vulnerable citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, or income. We shall continually scrutinize our policies and practices to ensure that we are achieving that goal.



Human beings have inherent worth regardless of their station in life, which is why we all deserve good health and wellbeing. Unlocking the right and providing the resources to choose nutritious foods for vulnerable community members are the vehicles by which we affirm and celebrate human dignity.


It’s not just about providing more food. It’s about providing the right food.

Wholesome Wave is fighting nutrition insecurity across the US by developing and deploying programs, platforms, and seed funding to help a network of community-based organizations address the lack of affordability and access to healthy food. We share outcomes of this work to successfully advocate for food and health systems change 

When poverty and hunger strike, it’s not just about getting more food, it’s about getting the right food. Addressing food insecurity overshadows the real problem: nutrition insecurity. Nutrition insecurity leads to the diet-related conditions that are driving the highest rates of hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

Wholesome Wave was built to solve nutrition insecurity.

Follow our journey @wholesomewave


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