Support Access to Healthy Food today!


Help us fight the persistent problem of nutrition insecurity that too many of our neighbors face.

Wholesome Wave is at the forefront of a revolution to create a just food system that works for everyone. With people, communities, policies, and organizations becoming more aware of inequities, there has never been a better moment to tackle systems change.

Here are the facts:

  • Too many people (an estimated 1 in 9 of us pre-pandemic, and 1 in 7 of us in 2020) face food insecurity, and even those with plenty of food can still be starving — this is known as nutrition insecurity. 

  • Diet-related diseases account for 80% of our healthcare system costs with an annual price tag of $1.4 trillion, nearly five times the annual cost of smoking-related illness. 

  • The death rates in communities of color and poverty are two-to three-times the rate in our country as a whole.

Your gift will get us closer to the vision of:

Every State. Well Fed.

Every City. Well Fed.

Every Town. Well Fed.

Every Community. Well Fed.

Every Neighborhood. Well Fed.

Every Block. Well Fed.

Every Family. Well Fed.

Every Body. Well Fed.

The ability to choose fresh, nutritious fruits and vegetables that are right for us and our families is a choice that everyone deserves, but too few of us are afforded. Support Wholesome Wave to expand access to fresh fruits and vegetables to everyone, now! 

Your support will help solve nutrition insecurity — an issue that is as complicated as it is vital, and that requires comprehensive solutions. It’s not just about providing more food — it’s about providing the right food.

Thank you for your continued support of Wholesome Wave. We appreciate your ongoing commitment to create a more just and equitable food system.